Archive for January 20, 2011

After having read a lot on the forum, I am going to integrate a new system for the white and red Regional Decisions.

For the White, the present system is incomplete and illogical. Indeed, you can press the peasants simultaneously and can promise them an agrarian reform that makes them more faithful. I am willing that the peasant is naive and that it works a few months, but it seems to me that soon your promises won’t be more believable. However, in the game, they remain similar in their effects all along the game.

New system: at start, the White don’t have any Decisions Regional Agrarian Reforms. They have to their disposition 4 requisitions and 4 conscriptions. They can buy by option 2 agrarian Reforms by two times, either 4 to the total, for a cost of 3 NM and 20 EP every time between June 18 and March 19, 5 NM and 30 EP between April 19 and December 19, 7 NM and 45 EP from January 1920. This increasing cost represents the disastrous effect of your first requisitions on the credibility of your promises, and in second place avoids the exploitation of the game system while requisitioning the first months a lot before pacifying the population.

These agrarian Reforms are more powerful than the present ones and will raise  the loyalty more quickly. But in counterpart, Whites will lose the requisitions and conscriptions, that will pass to 3 maximum every time, then 2. The choice is irreversible for the white player who should bet on the future and hope that the allied help will continue.

For the Communists, a option to win the peasants’ hearts and minds will also be open.

The Communists start in 6 Requisitions, 6 conscriptions and 6 Tchekas. If they choose the new Decision “NEP”, (bad title but I look for a better of it) then they will benefit from a new Regional Decision that will have the same effects and the same cost that Agrarian (and therefore more powerful than Tcheka) Reforms.  Besides the number of subversion will be increased until 10. On the other hand, the maximal number of requisitions and conscriptions will lower 2 every time and the Tcheka decisions won’t be more usable. The cost of this option will be the same that for the White (the decrease of NM being the result of  the decrease of the spirit among   the militants of the Party).