Archive for January 16, 2011

FATAL YEARS and RUS 1.02 version


Update: version 0.995 available, fixing the install problems signaled in comments

Here the current state of integration in my mod of the (few) new features of the 1.02 patch

Code improvements and fixes
*Fixed a bug in the air battle code.
*Fixed an interface bug preventing sometime the last 2 replacements tags to be shown in the construction window.
*Units experience bonus reworked with exported variables, more consistent.
*Modding support: Abilities can now be restricted per family.
*Modding support: Registries script commands added.

Comment: all these fixes and new features are fully working in FATAL YEARS

Map and data Fixes
*Denikin has more seniority than Krasnov, to ease the command structure.

Comment: integrated
*The area decisions like conscriptions, etc. Now take 4 turns, but the positive effect of restoring loyalty is much bigger now.

Comment: not implemented and under scrutiny. The AI in the official version hasn’t been changed to take into account this modification and I need time to assess how the AI will perform and if changes are needed. The balance question is larger than AI question moreover, as the area decisions are just one of the backbone of RUS.
*Several databases fixes on unit names and TO&E.

Comment: implemented
Events Fixes
*Desertion system now in place. It happens mostly for the Bolshevik, but can be reduced by political commissar. Siberian Whites have also some desertions.

Comment: not implemented and under scrutiny. The AI in the official version hasn’t been changed to take into account this modification and I need time to assess how the AI will perform and if changes are needed. This new feature will eventually be present in my mod in a close future.
*South White can now buy at a hefty cost the Transcaucasus League option.

Comment: implemented with some change to raise the cost for White player.
*Makhno anarchists appear correctly after German withdrawal.

*Berzin 3rdArmy added in June 1918.

Comment: done in Fatal Years since one week
*Krasnoufimsk White militia (Ural) and Bachkir National Army events added for June 1918.

Comment: will be integrated in the next version of Fatal Years
*Siberian Whites now receive tanks by events (US stockpiles).

Comment: implemented but this unhistorical event will be less frequent than in the Official version.

New Features

In short, Fatal Years delivers a better AI, a better events system, especially in diplomacy field, a better fidelity to history and last an enhanced gameplay, just because any change is aiming to satisfy all these points…

AI: much work has been done to refining AI behavior , in winter, during the starting months, for construction purposes, etc

Better events system: the official game is for example oversimplifying Polish question, as Poland will enter war in 1920, always, and never before. Other examples could be developed. Fatal Years introduces variability to war entry of some nations, create a Allied intervention level modified by events and determining the scale of Western Powers intervention of lack of.

Better fidelity to history: by fixing some OOB errors or omissions

Enhanced gameplay: game should be better balanced and more difficult against AI

Late July 18: Siberian AI is about to seize Ekaterinburg

New  rules

1)      An Allied Intervention level exists henceforth, stepped up of 0 to 10.A level 8 or superior to get the help of the foreign troops, a level 3 or superior to get from Western Powers of money is necessary and resources.

The level of departure is 10 and will vary according to random events, that represent the consequences of the hesitations allied between to fight Communism and to put an end to the war. Every player can also buy by option an influence on the level.

2)      Out of the coastal areas, the French and Greek troops risk to be immobilized  more often during a turn. This rule doesn’t apply to the artificial intelligence. This rule represents the risk due to the low state of mind to get involved more in the civil war.

3)      The armored trains have henceforth the capacity to repair the railroad tracks automatically. This rule of the official game didn’t function because of a bug

5)      The entry of the Polish in the war can occurred henceforth in 1919. The Communists can attack Poland since 1919, but the cost is raised of it.

6)      Some spying events have been introduced: every faction can get a spy who will give some indications on the enemy in his/her/its zone.

7)      Every white faction will be able to receive some messages on successes and reverses of the other white faction: level of National Moral , important victories or defeats, and sometimes, possibility to see in detail the position of their units

8)      Various improvements of have it, that builds units better, defends Tzaritsyn better, etc. The anarchist faction had major bugs, probably present in the official version, that are now fixed

9)      The Decision is regional Reforms and Tcheka are a little more  expensive.

10) New diplomatic option for Red faction : Bolsheviks may now conclude peace with Baltic States

How it works?

First you must be at war with Baltic States since 10 turns at least( this rule is destined to avoid any cheating by declaring war then immediately peace).

Then Reds can’t conclude peace if they control the major cities of the Baltic States…

Why? The AGE system doesn’t allow negociations and compromises, so only 2 situations can be figured: major victory or major defeat. If Reds are winning, so they may govern the Balts areas ( requisitions, conscriptions), so there’s no need to create a peace event representing such a situation. On the contrary, total defeat may be an incentive for Reds to sign peace…

How it works? When peace is signed, all Baltic States reverts back to unplayable regions. Any unit on these territories will be removed permanently of the game ( so be cautious; White AI shouldn’t send much troops here, and if some elements are trapped, let’s say Balt are ending any help to Whites in exchange of peace).

Reds will lose some National Morale, many VP too.


To the difference of the two other factions, the Siberian side must figure the extreme diversity of his units; this diversity covers with the antagonisms very strong that mined the Kolchak’s effort of war that never (and didn’t try besides) succeeded in surmounting these internal oppositions in the reality.

To simplify, the Siberian player has two main groups: the first compound of the Legion Czech and the troops of the Komuch, weak organism mainly composed of SR and working for a democratic Russia. The second regroups all other troops, really” white “

The Komuch, centered on the Volga, was rejected so much by the Reds that the Whites, that found them too leftist. Under various pressures, of which the least was not the red successes against the weak troops of the Komuch, this movement ends up accepting to melt in one “Directory” where Kolchak ends up taking the direction by a coup in November 1918, putting an end to all autonomy of the Komuch. The Czechs took pretext of this evolution to leave the Front and to take garrison in Siberia.

In the official game, the arrival of the Directory,  then Kolchak rise on power are stationary and always occur, to the same dates. On the other hand the player is free to concentrate all his units on the Volga since the first tour. In short, at a time the player has no choice and is free in a mandatory historic setting to achieve an impossible strength concentration actually.

New rules :

During the first three towers, the Siberian player  can choose a no-historic option. This option makes then uncertain the creation of the Directory and the Kolchak ‘s seizure of power. Until  the Board of directors is formed, the circulation between the Siberian zones and the Ural is impossible. Until Kolchak hasn’t raised himself to leadership, the Czech units remain available. After the political takeover by Kolchak, the allied help and the losses of cohesion of the Siberian troops will be more or less important, importance revised  every 6 months.

Explanation: the player chooses with this option the unknown, gets the longer presence of the excellent Czech troops, and must expect to a unforeseeable variation of his resources in the future, not necessarily in worse besides.. But the result of a non historic choice must remain unpredictable

If the Siberian player doesn’t choose this option, the official system applies. The player knows the future chain of events and the consequences but loses the possibility to concentrate all his strengths on the Volga during the summer of 1918.

12) Recognition of Independences by the Southern Whites faction

In the official version, this event presents two major shortcomings: it is historically unbelievable and it ruins the balance of the game.

Indeed, while applying a penalty of -40 to NM, the official version limits  the option to  a winning white player. Only such a situation permits to support such a decrease. However, it is absolutely unlikely that the White carrying away would have granted their  independence to the minorities of the former Empire. On the other hand, a white player in such a situation only has interest to play this option, since the penalty will be compensated by the contribution of numerous troops and placed ideally, around Petrograd.

So the  Fatal Years new rules:
1)    The NM level of Southern White is superior to 75: the option lowers NM by 20 immediately. BUT so much that NM level of Southern White remains under  115, this one loses every three months 10 NM.
Thus, the white player should bet on the future: will the renforts allow him them to recover the level that permits to avoid the penalty quickly or will his NM descend it inexorably?

2)    The NM level of Southern White is lower to 75: the option lowers NM by 10 immediately. BUT so much that NM level of Southern White remains under  100, this one loses every three months 5 NM.
The penalties are less strong, but the white player is already weak, and  at risk of  the  same progressive elimination. However, the option remains possible for a hard pressed player, without becoming a no brainer under of 60, with a risk of defeat here very strong.

Explanations: besides the aspects of obvious balancing, that make that the option becomes only attractive after mid-game or in case of situation of weakness characterized, the historic explanation can sum up thus: the core hard of white support doesn’t immediately divert itself from the leader who dared to jeopardize empire, but detaches itself slowly, except if the victory satisfies it. It explains the lower penalty if the NM is already weak, the NM level representing the core hard of the support existing then.

13) Tanks

The tanks of World War I were slow and mechanically fragile. Their tactical autonomy was very weak and it was out of the question on the strategic scale that they move on long distances by themselves.


From then on, the only means to transport them close to the battlefield were the rail, the trucks being rare and themselves in their modest beginnings. Besides Russia didn’t distinguished herself by the quality of her roads.

In the original version of the game, the tanks move quickly, everywhere. I decided to block them at the containing regions a railroad track to canalize their use on the historical zones.

14) Included some new Red units in Ekaterinburg/Perm areas as suggested here:

15) RED AI should now declare more often war to Balts. And  Red player too, because I’ve added a periodical loss of 100Victory Points for not doing so.


This decision is just needed for gameplay, historical and AI purposes.Gameplay, as it will create a new Front for Red and so alleviate their pressure on Whites. Historical: As for Finland, there were some Bolshevik movements in Baltic areas; Bolsheviks were eager too to control these regions close to Petrograd and resigned only in 1921 to their independence. And last, Mot Russians, Bolsheviks or not, couldn’t resign themselves to the loss of Provinces viewed as integrated in the Russian frontiers, whatever the form of the Power, communist, monarchist or Republican.. Last for AI sake, it’s better to have an AI trying to invade Balt States and squash Yudenitch Forces rather than let them be enlarged by human player waiting the best spot to attack Petrograd…

Late July 18: my raid on Tzaritsyn is checked by Stalin while Kamenev is coming to the rescue of the Red Garrison…

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