Archive for August 5, 2012

The Ottoman Army of Islam

Posted: August 5, 2012 in Uncategorized

The Ottoman Army of Islam will be included in the next release.

For more details, some details are available here

The OAOF will be AI driven, Dunsterforce will be part of the Southern Whites, and Reds will share the fight around Baku and Derban.

The OAOF could remain in play until november 1918, Dunsterforce will be removed too at the same time.

The capture of Baku and Derbent will grant players with 1 EPs by turn ( 60% chance). Using VPs would force to give 2 much importance to these 2 towns. A small EP gain will be incentive to fight without altering the real game.

If someone could give me a few more details about the subunits of the 2 Turkish Divisions, it would be a great help. I’ve a copy of a Perry Moore boardgame about the subject, but I don’t trust a lot this designer for historical accuracy ( even if I’m talking here of a designer of boardgames, and not of computer wargames, the former being as their customers well more creditable on the average than the latter).

Since this morning, I have indeed a version of the next FY compatible with the latest patch.


Thanks again to Notepad, the fastest modding tool for the AGE engine.


Now, of course, many tasks have to be copleted before release:

– writing yet a few more text strings

– fixing some bugs

-testing a bit before release.

If all go well, I should release a test version of FY next week.